Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Low-Calorie Diaries: August 15, 2012

So I have been on this low-calorie experimental diet since I got back from a cruise over the week of 4th of July, so it has been a little over 6 weeks. I am now 16 pounds lighter than I was when I got back, and it truly feels amazing. I have tried so many diets before and given up because I always told myself I'd rather live a shorter life with amazing food experiences than a long, bland one. Morbid and unhealthy thinking, I know, but that's just how I felt.

Since starting this diet, I've realized that this may even be a lifestyle change for me. It is the right time and place for this to work for me. Food manufacturers are creating more convenient low-calorie foods. MyFitnessPal has just started to become popular so I have taken advantage of the convenience of that. Pinterest is also a great tool for me to find tips and recipes. I have also found a good place in my life where work has become less important than my health, so I have created time to cook and shop for healthier foods.

I still have a long way to go of course, but this is definitely the longest I have ever lasted on a diet and I honestly have only had one moment where I was feeling like this may not last for me, and it was very fleeting (I blame it on the fried pork that I shouldn't have eaten!).

The next step is to replace my sweet tooth treats with fresh vegetables more. I know I should also incorporate exercise, but a part of this experiment was to see if I could do it without exercising. I will see how far it goes before exercise is needed. I know there are tons of people out there who can't or won't exercise--because of a busy schedule or physical disabilities or simply don't like the feel of sweat. I hope this blog can help them in some way. There are plenty of other blogs that give great exercise tips and regimens, but I don't think this will be one of them.

I will keep checking in with you to let you know how I have been doing. I just got over a frustrating 5 days of no weight loss even though I was eating low-calorie, but I finally broke through that today. I have to keep reminding myself that even though I am not losing weight, I am still a healthier person than I was 6 weeks ago.

How are you feeling about your weight loss journey?

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