Friday, July 27, 2012

Switch It Up: Smartfood Popcorn vs. Movie Theater Popcorn

It's no surprise that popcorn at the movies is one of my favorite snacks since I am a movie addict. I see at least 20 movies in the theater a year on average. Now of course it is better not to have any popcorn at all, but if you must (as I must), Smartfood Popcorn is a great alternative.

A small buttered popcorn at Regal Cinemas is a whopping 670 calories!!! Smartfood Popcorn, on the other hand, is only 380 calories for a 2 3/8 oz bag, which is plenty to share. Not that I advocate breaking the rules about bringing outside food, but this is a great accompaniment to a Netflix night as well :)

Now off to find an alternative to Sour Patch Kids . . .

What is your favorite movie snack?

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